I think every person out there will agree with the fact that this vast massive universe is governed by certain laws. You can skip human court or prison but not the court of the universe. When this giant bubble was created by the Gods they also set certain rules by which every living being in the cosmic world has to abide by. You accept it, reject it, or complain about it but still, you have to follow it. If you break the rules be prepared for creating karmas which have to be repaid by you in the next birth.
It is very late I understand the concept of energy, frequency, and vibration. I am still learning. I don’t have any idea as to in which class I am but still there is a long way to go. After initiation, you need to work on your own body so that you activate those energy systems which will change your total being. The process of initiation is more like planting a seed into your system which can be either done by a Guru or the universe depending on the need and then the seed will be transformed into a tree and bear flowers and fruits.
You have heard the quote which says that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. This is 2022, a year where you can expect the unexpected. Everything which is owed to you will come to you. If you have worked for something and have waited long for the harvest then you will get results. If you have pained someone a lot then be prepared for the consequences because justice will be served. Even when you cannot see God he exists. The best part is when he is here with you even without you knowing it then how can you skip his sight.
The year 2022 adds up to 6 and it is a number of balance. I am writing down my own interpretation according to the way I feel from my intuition. Number 6 and number 9 represent the duality that exists in the universe. We need both 6 and 9 to exist at the same time. You need a male and female to complete the cycle of life. You need protons, neutrons, and electrons to form an atom. Protons are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged and neutrons carry zero charges. Both positive and negative exists in the universe at the same time.
As you all know when I wanted to go on a date with destiny my God engulfed it and hence my destiny merged with the “Man who changed my life for a lifetime”. My transformation started in the year 2016 and in 2021 I feel I am in a place where I was meant to be and start a new process of change. After almost 6 years of vigorous transformation till the age of 41, I have a very strong intuition that my life is going to change all of a sudden at the age of 42. There are some moments in my life when I can feel the vibration of the universe and interpret the energy.
Hi All. Today I wanted to write about something which is very close to my heart and that is Energies of the Universe and destiny. Though lots of people disregard destiny and quote everything as Law of Attraction, my concentration today is only on universal energies and destiny. Everything which exists in the universe is energy and there is nothing which happens by chance. Everything happens the way it is meant to be and there is something called divine time. You keep praying for something or work hard to achieve your goals and still can’t see anything happening.
Today I chose a topic on which I have listened to lots of videos and even read articles online. I am a very curious kind of person and when there a question in my mind, I need an answer to it. I cannot settle down with assumptions but I need solid proof as to why I feel strongly for someone who is not related to me in anyways and feel distanced from people who are very close to me in my personal life. I started searching for my answers and came to various conclusions and there are also few threads that still lying loose but I know I will get my answers.
This is an article that has been requested by one of my readers. We all are human beings and I would say we are a tiny spec on this huge planet called earth where we all reside and handling emotions is the biggest challenge. First, let me tell you that your emotions are governed by planetary forces. When a planet shifts, goes retrograde, moves direct or conjuncts there is a certain change in energy in the entire universe and so there is a shift in your emotions as well. When you have a full moon or no moon day, then also your emotions get affected.
The very concept of life is very good. Our parents brought us here on this earth to experience life and do our karma. I personally believe that “God gave one life so live it kingsize”. Why cry over the past and hold grudges for people who have hurt you. Just forgive, forget and move on. That’s life. When you have loved someone and want that person in your life, just have faith. If that person is yours he will be in your life or else never so keep going. Life moves on and never stands still for anyone.
How do you define destiny? Some say it is the will of God handed over to you in the form of Janam Patri when you are born or your destiny is determined by the karmas which you did in your previous lifetimes. Good karmas lead to good fortune while bad karmas cause miseries in the coming life. I would say each one of you want to live a good, happy and meaningful life where you do what you are meant to do. You make your contribution to the world by playing your own role and living by your purpose for which you are born.