Thank You, Universe. God is great and he will show his presence in various ways. When he puts his hands on top of your head then your entire life is a miracle. God gives the toughest task to his most trusted soldier who takes the lead and guides entire humanity towards a new world and truth. The clouds may be dense and create momentary darkness but they don’t have the power to stop the light of the sun for very long. When the time is right the sun shines. Then you keep wondering why me?
After questioning my existence for a very long time I have some of my answers but still, I am not satisfied with the results. Sometimes I feel too stuck and lost and it feels like my life is not moving forward. I don’t know where my life is heading because when you work on the invisible energies then you can’t see the results on paper. The memory which exists within my body is not programmed to handle the work which I do and that’s the only reason I feel directionless though at times the universe talks directly to me by means of messages.
A time for truth, the revelation of everything which was lying dormant because it is 2022 and the wait is over. If you feel guided to do certain things and don’t know why then it is time for you to get your answers. It is the harvesting season and time for results. You don’t have any idea as to how the result will be declared in front of you? Chill, the planetary alignments will align you with your true self, the real you.
Sometimes life overwhelms me much more than usual and those are the times I ask the question things took much longer than usual. The message comes “Trust the process”. Even when you don’t know where your life is going, just persist, don’t quit, and trust the process because there are few things that take longer than usual to manifest. If you have a dream which cannot be conceptualized and conceived inside your head and you want to give birth to a baby which is too large to be accommodated in your womb then you have to keep patience.
This journey called life is great and it did teach me lots of lessons. I started questioning my own ability as a person and wanted to explore more of me so that I can achieve my divine purpose in this lifetime. I have explored various parts of myself and I have written in detail about my journey in my book “Love You Jindagi My Journey to meet Sri Anantha Padmanabhaswamy”. One single encounter changed my total being and my whole life. I started exploring myself after my divine encounter on 31st December 2015. Everything which you question about God or the universe is real.
Hi All. Today I wanted to write about something which is very close to my heart and that is Energies of the Universe and destiny. Though lots of people disregard destiny and quote everything as Law of Attraction, my concentration today is only on universal energies and destiny. Everything which exists in the universe is energy and there is nothing which happens by chance. Everything happens the way it is meant to be and there is something called divine time. You keep praying for something or work hard to achieve your goals and still can’t see anything happening.
What is a Brand? A brand is a name which gets engraved in your mind and never fades with time. People will forget you but they will not forget the brand name and their experience associated with the brand. The leading companies which have established themselves as a brand in the world are very few. I would say you can count them on fingers but then those who have established themselves as brands and have found their way into people’s heart are the ones which never age with time. Did you ever think of establishing you yourself as a living brand?
My own experience with life is both sweet and sour but then there are people in my life who have made my life worth living. They are my friends and family members who occupy a big part of my life. I know how tough life can get at times when you thought that your life is settled and everything falls apart. You are still wondering what is happening and your world has crashed in front of your own eyes and you simply do not know what to do. That is the toughest situation to face in life when your previous husband declares the end of the relationship without giving you the reason.
When you cannot see light have hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep walking, keep going, keep moving, you never know what is going to happen next. As you are on the verge of giving up you will see that things will start happening in your life. Now you keep wondering how everything changed 360 degrees. Your increased stress or tension is not going to ease out anything in your life. Just maintain your peace and put forward your best foot and everything will turn out in your favor.