We all are very close to the New Year but before 2022 ends you need to check how far you have come and learn not to compare your life with anyone else on the planet. You have your own journey and your own cycle which matches with the timing of the universe and not yours but there are some tweaks and if you know them you can play with the cosmos. I am a huge fan of Sadhguru ji and it’s not just listening to what he speaks but also questioning why he says something time and again.
All of you will agree with me when I say that when the soul enters a body a new life takes birth in the form of a child while when the soul leaves a body a person is declared dead. This body is lifeless without a soul. The soul is what keeps you going and is in constant communication with other living beings and the universe itself. The soul is more like a mini cosmos occupying your body because it is a part of the divine and all the qualities which the source of creation holds are encapsulated inside the soul. Your body is just a piece of earth that is given to you by your parents.
It is very late I understand the concept of energy, frequency, and vibration. I am still learning. I don’t have any idea as to in which class I am but still there is a long way to go. After initiation, you need to work on your own body so that you activate those energy systems which will change your total being. The process of initiation is more like planting a seed into your system which can be either done by a Guru or the universe depending on the need and then the seed will be transformed into a tree and bear flowers and fruits.
I am someone who was not into yoga and meditation before I started facing too many health problems and started yoga in the year 2012. In the year 2015, I had two divine encounters and I started meditation in the year 2017. Though I don’t understand much of why I do what I do but still I keep doing it because a little voice inside of me says that I have a bigger purpose to serve and my meditation will help me in getting cosmic guidance and also connect with the invisible energies which will help me in the achievement of my purpose.
Hi, all of you. Today I want to put forth my thoughts on intuition and want to take you all through my own journey because my life is not the same after one single mysterious event. How do I describe myself? I am a simple girl untouched by the intricacies of the modern world. I am not that glamorous kind of person. I love true, genuine people who don’t judge me and my parents are my world to me especially my dad who is an earth angel, he is the visible divine in my world who will do anything for his daughter. God, I love him a lot. Whenever I remember him I get teary eyes.
Hi, How are you all? Today is 21st July 2020. I remember angel number 12:21 and 12:12 because I see these very often. These numbers carry vibration. I will discuss them later. First of all, let me concentrate on Meditation. My journey to meditation started in the year 2017 when I sat down to do Mantra meditation and recited 1080 mantras in one sitting of 3 and a half hours. That was an impulse decision and I chanted mantras for a full 4 and half months to combat my depression. The shift in my energies started from that time onwards but it was a slow shift and thus I never noticed it.
This is an article that has been requested by one of my readers. We all are human beings and I would say we are a tiny spec on this huge planet called earth where we all reside and handling emotions is the biggest challenge. First, let me tell you that your emotions are governed by planetary forces. When a planet shifts, goes retrograde, moves direct or conjuncts there is a certain change in energy in the entire universe and so there is a shift in your emotions as well. When you have a full moon or no moon day, then also your emotions get affected.
Yoga is a set of body movements along with controlling your breath which heals your body and soul. Yoga connects you to the core of your body and takes you to a different dimension where you are at peace. You will see the difference within yourself when you start doing yoga, your body will get different, your thinking will change, you will get less angry and you will be more at peace. I would say yoga is a way of life and every person should do yoga in spite of his age. You need to check which postures are comfortable for you and then move ahead accordingly.
I am sure most of you want to look beautiful and have flawless skin throughout life. Aging takes a toll not only on the body but also on the skin. Especially for ladies who are nearing their Menopause, the skin feels dry, dull, develop acne, fine lines, wrinkles, and dark spots. When you are young you don’t have skin issues, it is only when you start aging that the skin develops certain problems due to changes in hormonal levels in the body. What you can do is worry less and find out a proper solution which will last long.
I am writing this article based on my own experience with hormonal imbalance. I delivered my baby in the year 2008 and since then my life was never normal. She was delivered through a Cesarean delivery. After a few months, I started facing problems of heavy bleeding. I consulted my Gynecologist and she said that I was having problems of hormonal imbalance. I had mood swings too which really took away my peace of mind. She treated me on birth control pills which never sorted out my problem. She gave me medicines to curb my periods but that too didn’t help much.