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A Destiny which was not my choice but I have to live it

Submitted by rashmijsr on Thu, 2019-07-11 18:01
Destiny Choice

How do you define destiny? Some say it is the will of God handed over to you in the form of Janam Patri when you are born or your destiny is determined by the karmas which you did in your previous lifetimes. Good karmas lead to good fortune while bad karmas cause miseries in the coming life. I would say each one of you want to live a good, happy and meaningful life where you do what you are meant to do. You make your contribution to the world by playing your own role and living by your purpose for which you are born. The destiny which you have to live was never your choice but it was something which was handed over to you from the universe. You don’t have an option to quit and the only choice which you are left with is to live your life and make the best out of it. You never had the option to choose your parents but you were destined to be born to them. You never chose your skin color, facial structures or your looks. Everything was predecided and there was very little you could do about it. Did you ever wonder that you meet so many people but there is only one who is made for you and when that person comes in front of you, the mind clicks and your heart gives a green signal to the man whom you met yesterday? You have fallen in love with him and you want to spend the rest of your life with him. Though that person may be a complete stranger to you first, but after you see his face you will try to meet him again and again or destiny will bring you together by means of various circumstances so that you both can move ahead in life and get hooked to each other in the lovely union of marriage.

Sometimes you just don’t know what happened and why it happened? And while you are still lost in your own world you will see that everything around you has changed. You do not know whether you should be happy or sad about it. The person whom you loved, the man of your dreams left you after 23 years of togetherness saying he has compatibility issues. Now you keep wondering what he was doing for so long or the issues which he spoke of where just in his head and nowhere else. You had lived a great love life and married life with this person and you do not know how to cope up with your crashed world. Did you choose this destiny, I would say “No” but yes you have to live the reality of your life though you never chose it. You are forced to live a destiny which was never your choice. Everyone around you will blame you for everything which happened in your life. They will say that you could not hold on to your husband and you could not become a good wife, you are still not aware of the issues as to why your man left that too without informing you. He is not even interested in answering your questions as to why he left, he even doesn’t care to answer your phone calls. You keep wondering what went wrong. When bad things happen in your life you can do very little about what happened, the only choice which is left before you is to accept the past and move ahead in the future. The past interferes in your present and sometimes make you sick but then you don’t have the option to mend your past and get back to it where everything was happy and good. You are aware that now you have to adjust yourself with your new circumstances where you are alone.

I would say there is no one in this whole world who will choose a sad destiny for himself. Who does not wants to be happy? There is no one who is happy without his family, living alone. If given a free will I would say everyone will choose good things to happen in their life and no one will ever dream of worse things to happen with them, but the biggest reality of life is it will just happen and you have to accept it, adjust to it and even live it with a smile on your face. Though it is difficult to smile when nothing is working in your favor but you don’t reap any results by crying. The more you cry for someone the more you are drowning in your miseries. When you are drenched with your own sorrows how can you make your contribution to the world? How can you achieve the purpose for which you are born? It is only when you get up after every fall that you shine like a bright start in the sky, a star which did not let life’s problems steal its joy, a star which not only knows the way but also shows the way to other people who are caught in their own problems and make these problems their destinies. It is true you have to live a destiny which you did not choose but you have the choice of turning the wheel of fortune in your favor by overcoming all the life’s problems one by one and not getting overwhelmed by it. Life is very tricky at times, when you think that your life is settled down, one or the other problem will start cropping which will take away the peace of your mind. But you don’t have the option to deviate from your path. You have to complete your journey and achieve your purpose in spite of all the problems happening in your life. You have to concentrate on your work because if you distract you will lose touch with your own being, you will not be able to forgive yourself because you could not live up to your own expectations. You will live in regret that you could have done so much but you did not do because of your grief which took over your life.

You need to remember that nothing is permanent in this life. If the bad days have come they will go and good days will come, the sun will shine after a heavy shower and you always have the option to choose which way to go. You can drown yourself in misery or you can bounce back to life after a short break where you recover from whatever happened in your life. It is absolutely ok and fine to take a small break where you spend time with your own self so that you recover from your sorrows and get back to life with a new vigor but yes the choice is always yours. You can touch the sky or keep mourning till you reach your grave, you decide what you have to do. Sad and bad things happen to everyone but there are very few who accept their present circumstances and start off on their new journey with a new identity where the inner spirit has evolved and understood their higher purpose. It is only when you are purpose driven that you can understand life. This life seems very simple from the exterior but it is very complicated, the more you understand it the better you live it. When you take your mind out of your own difficulties then only you can concentrate your mind into your work and create something fruitful. You cannot make your contribution to the world when you are sad, it is only when you are happy from inside that you can give your best. To achieve good results and do what you are meant to do it is important for you to accept your life’s challenges and make a conscious decision to be happy. It is easy to break, cry and even curse your destiny for whatever happened in your life or to make the best out of your life even when you have gone through the worst because you choose not to give in but to fight back and be happy with your new world.

I would say each one of us has to live a destiny which was not his choice. You will always find people who have got one or many complaints which shows their unhappiness in whatever exists in their world but then there are no options but to live the reality. You make choices only when you have an option and rest of the times you just try to make the best out of whatever happened in your life. You can turn your life into a big disaster or build a great life for yourself from scratch, the choice is always yours. You either give in to your circumstances or adjust yourself and move on to create a new life for yourself because you are fully aware that you have to live your destiny here on this earth, you have to live a life which you did not choose. But you decided to make this life your best life so that you can set yourself as an example for the coming generations.

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