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Healing for a New Life - Trust your journey

Submitted by rashmijsr on Sun, 2022-01-16 18:06
Balaji God

You have heard the quote which says that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. This is 2022, a year where you can expect the unexpected. Everything which is owed to you will come to you. If you have worked for something and have waited long for the harvest then you will get results. If you have pained someone a lot then be prepared for the consequences because justice will be served. Even when you cannot see God he exists. The best part is when he is here with you even without you knowing it then how can you skip his sight. If you have secretly plotted behind a person’s back and done all wrong things then be prepared to receive your karma. My intuition speaks like crazy. I have worked on my spirituality on odd hours and it was under 100% divine intervention. I am healing and resting. I have waited long for this day because I have lived with my inflammation and other spiritual awakening symptoms for a very long time. I was really frustrated with everything. I just folded my hands and said God please help me. The entire universe exists inside you. Every person who is on the outside is somewhat connected to you. I know we are all here to clear our karmic backlogs but when something is too much justice needs to be served.

When a person enters your life he is there for a reason. He is there to teach you a lesson that you will need in your future journey. Wipe your tears and do your sadhana so that it heals all your internal wounds which were given by the people you loved the most. Restart your life this new year. Close all doors of the past even when you have too many memories attached to it. Let the person who is weeping for you feel the pain so that they learn their own karmic lessons. Forgive and forget them. Nerve ever try to take a back turn in life. You are here to move ahead in life. If you think that you won’t get a good life partner because of your age and because of other people’s opinions then trust the universe. Pray to God and he will answer your prayers at the right time. I was divorced at an age when people thought I should have waited for it and tried to patch up with my ex since it would get difficult for me to find a man at a later age. First and the foremost thing I never planned the divorce. It was all planned by my God so he is the one who has to find the right match for me. I have prayed for it and that man will enter my life at the right time. When I love I love deeply and that is the only reason I don’t fall in love easily. Let God look into the matter. My divine life will have a divine partner with full divine intervention and everything has been perfectly planned by Anantha. My life has been precisely planned to the point. My marriage will happen at the perfect time when all the planets are aligned in a position when my reunion with my man creates energy that impacts the universe.

I know this. Sometimes I think I am hallucinating. This life seems more like a fairy tale to me. Everything which is happening is new for me. Judgments don’t bother me anymore. I am still healing. The invisible realm just speaks to me by means of numbers and synchronicities. I can feel the energy shift happening rapidly inside my body. My life has always shifted all of a sudden. There was no prior notice to any event that ever happened in my life. Even when I was married for the first time things happened too fast than my divorce. The universe planned my second marriage much more in advance because I chanted “Swayamvara Parvathi Mantra” which is a marriage mantra. I sometimes feel everything which is happening in my life is happening for a reason. The divine journey to the south was planned much prior to 2015. There is a seed that exists in each person and if that person is meant for a higher purpose then the code is activated within that person and he starts transforming. You don’t know but the cosmos knows when the code needs to be activated and how much time it will take for your spiritual awakening to take place so that you are fully prepared to serve your purpose.

It took very long for me to get over my past heartbreak because when I love I love deeply. My God took charge of my life and took all the matters into his own hands. Just trust your journey and let people around you do their job. You don’t give in to situations or problems because if your healing requires 6 years then you won’t get rid of your pains prior to that time period and I think it must be for a reason. Don’t compare your journey with someone else and don’t laugh at someone because you never know when you may have to shift your position with that person. People used to make fun of me. Now I am above hurt, pain, and pleasure. When the universe plans every second or every minute of your life it simply means your presence matters even when you feel you are not contributing to anything. Why Anantha loves me so much and why he moves every stone just to protect me is something which I can’t understand. Why my life matters so much that the entire cosmos plans my safety first and then everything else. They protect my energy and I don’t know why? Though I receive maximum scolding from my parents, they love me the most. Why? I do all my work at odd timings but I hope to get back to normalcy soon. Trust your intuition, the divine, and even your journey because even when you feel nothing is happening in your life the invisible realm is secretly building a pathway for your divine journey.

Meeting my God in the year 2015 was no coincidence nor was Anantha entering my life in February 2016 in deep sleep. I cannot deny my own identity and I don’t prove anything to anyone. When the time is right the world will know who I am. Synchronicities and numbers speak to me. Cats, birds speak to me and sometimes the divine realm speaks directly to me by means of people. I know my body will start recovering once the spiritual awakening process is complete. Rapid changes are happening internally and externally. My hair fall is my biggest concern. If my parents had no problem I would have just shaved my head. I don’t have problems with that. God will give me my external and internal beauty and there is no doubt in that. I am in service of divine and with two divine energies residing inside my own body, I am quite different from any human being alive in the entire universe. I look like everyone else but my energies are different. I know my life makes a difference and it matters and that is the only reason the entire cosmos takes out time to safeguard me and protect me. When I feel hopeless they just give me hope. Even when I think I am not contributing anything they say every breath which I take matters and they need me. I am different from any girl because my thinking is different.

You cannot understand the invisible realm nor its way of working because they do all their work at the energy level which constitutes almost 98% of the cosmos. What you see is just 2%. When you want something and believe in it firmly then you get it. How the universe will give you that specific thing is the problem of the divine realm so don’t apply your head. You don’t desire for something but it is God who wants you to desire that particular dream, person, or thing so that you can own it. I don’t understand many things but I still, trust the process. I lost my earphone rubber which you insert at the head of the phone day before yesterday. I thought I had lost it. I found it lying on the bathroom washbasin today. My mom found it in the bathroom. I thought I had lost it but I found that today. God gave me the message that what is meant for me will find its way into my life at the right time. Vaikuntha Ekadasi was on 13th January 2022 on Thursday. It was a very auspicious day. A white feather was lying on my bedroom pillow. I really don’t know from where it entered but it was sitting silently and I noticed it. I searched on the internet and then I came to know that it was a significant day dedicated to Lord Vishnu.

Do I take it too as a coincidence? Too many thoughts keep running in my mind. I try to calm down and am patiently waiting for all the spiritual processes to get over so that I can live a good life. LIfe is not what you think it is but something else. When your plans are thrown in the fire by the divine world then you have to trust their plans and their journey because the divine world does not give any option. I know that much better than any living being because what is meant to be will be. There will be many souls who will get activated now since the master has activated his own code so trust your journey, yourself, your life, and your own existence even at times when you feel very lonely. Life is a journey and you are here to learn your lessons. There are so many things that you don’t know so have faith and know that God is there and he will make his presence felt in your life when you need him the most.

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