To some spirituality is a fancy word while for others it is their daily practice that gets them one step closer to their connection with divinity or God. There is no one way to reach the divine and I bet no one can debate this fact. If you want to get God then you can do it by following rituals, mantra chanting, meditation, or simply by being silent and connecting with nature. There are no hard and fast rules and if any person made the rules then it is going to be broken by some or other living being. People say Gods are not accessible to negative people but that is absolutely wrong.
New Bride
I think every person out there will agree with the fact that this vast massive universe is governed by certain laws. You can skip human court or prison but not the court of the universe. When this giant bubble was created by the Gods they also set certain rules by which every living being in the cosmic world has to abide by. You accept it, reject it, or complain about it but still, you have to follow it. If you break the rules be prepared for creating karmas which have to be repaid by you in the next birth.

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