I kept wondering for a very long time as to why my God chose me to achieve a task which he himself could have done in one go or could have chosen someone else for the purpose. Why Me? Why I am the chosen one for the task which is much bigger than my own imagination, a purpose for which he promised me his companionship for lifetime, a purpose which has to be achieved in this lifetime, a purpose which will change the face of the world and touch the life of every creature on this planet.
This is an article that has been requested by one of my readers. We all are human beings and I would say we are a tiny spec on this huge planet called earth where we all reside and handling emotions is the biggest challenge. First, let me tell you that your emotions are governed by planetary forces. When a planet shifts, goes retrograde, moves direct or conjuncts there is a certain change in energy in the entire universe and so there is a shift in your emotions as well. When you have a full moon or no moon day, then also your emotions get affected.
We all are gifted with lots of strength and it is only in the worst circumstances that we know how strong we are, till then it is hidden within us and lies in a dormant state. Life is full of joys and sorrows. You enjoy your day's work, family life and everything which makes your life beautiful and all of a sudden you are left alone to face the worst situation in life.
When there is life problems are bound to be there. It is all upon you how you handle life’s problems. Sometimes it seems too much and you cannot handle the tough situation which life throws at you. Have a cool head because taking too much tension or losing your peace of mind is not going to be of any help. You have to face every problem with a brave heart and have faith “This too shall Pass”. This very thinking will help you tide over tough circumstances. Handle life’s problems one at a time.
The question regarding peace always comes to my mind because that is something which all of us loses once in awhile. There is always a question arising “Where is my peace?” and how do I get it. It is very important to be peaceful so that you can grow as a person and let others grow around you. You have to let go of things and people in your life so that they can move ahead in life. We are born to grow and let others grow. It is only when we hold onto things and want things to be our way that we lose our peace.
I conducted training program at Dr Ambedkar College, Nagpur on 20th October 2012. The topic of training was Stress Management. My audience comprised of Part I students from Science, Commerce and Arts background. This topic is very close to my heart as it is what i deal with and manage everyday.
What is stress ? Stress is something which takes away the peace of our mind. What happens when we lose peace of mind ? We get disturbed and we are not able to work. Our thinking gets negative and we blame everyone for all the wrong things which happen with us. So now we are in stress.
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