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Law of Attraction

I had read the book “The Secret” by Rhonda Byrne and read about the law of attraction but I never practiced it. Though I had an idea of the theory part, I never applied it or experimented with it to check whether it worked or not. My life really fell apart in the year 2017 and that is something that brought me closer to God and spirituality. I started working on my own self from that year onwards by doing Yoga and Meditation. It was the first time I realized that in order to fix my life I have to think the right way.


Hi, How are you all? Today is 21st July 2020. I remember angel number 12:21 and 12:12 because I see these very often. These numbers carry vibration. I will discuss them later. First of all, let me concentrate on Meditation. My journey to meditation started in the year 2017 when I sat down to do Mantra meditation and recited 1080 mantras in one sitting of 3 and a half hours. That was an impulse decision and I chanted mantras for a full 4 and half months to combat my depression. The shift in my energies started from that time onwards but it was a slow shift and thus I never noticed it.

Plant Spirits

Nowadays I write about everything other than motivation. Actually my life has shifted 360 degrees. I am yet to make peace with my new self and that is the only reason I keep writing about things that brought me to a place where I am today. You all learn from me and explore that unexplored part of the universe which exists and has all your answers. I have done lots of inner work and I am still working a lot on my own self so that I can unlock those energies which I need in the future for my divine work.


How are you all? I hope you all are doing well. Actually I want to get regular with my writing but my schedule is still not on track.

In sharing my journey I want you all to know that life is a blend of the known and the unknown. You never know what will happen next or how much of your planning will work so be prepared to develop acceptance for everything which did not go your way. I used to be a very stubborn girl but with the passage of time, I have got better. I have learned to accept reality and play my best role even when I can’t accept what is happening in my life.

Universe Energy

Hi All. Today I wanted to write about something which is very close to my heart and that is Energies of the Universe and destiny. Though lots of people disregard destiny and quote everything as Law of Attraction, my concentration today is only on universal energies and destiny. Everything which exists in the universe is energy and there is nothing which happens by chance. Everything happens the way it is meant to be and there is something called divine time. You keep praying for something or work hard to achieve your goals and still can’t see anything happening.

Universe Messages

Hi. How are you all? I hope you all are doing great and enjoying the best of health. I am in the process of finding peace with my changed life. Though I write about a lot of stuff but in these challenging times I feel we all need to be more empathic towards each other rather than anything else. There are times when nothing gets inside your head and you just want to be left alone with your own self for some time before you can get back to everything.

Number Patterns

Hi all. This writeup of mine is a continuation of my previous article which I wrote about seeing repeated number patterns in my life again and again. Though the repeated numbers have not stopped communicating with me but now I want my answers. For your convenience, I am writing those repeating number patterns again so that you all can easily recollect. The numbers are 8, 88, 8888, 12:12, 12:21, 11:11, 10:10 and sometimes 69 (I forgot to mention that earlier). I read tons of articles online to check what resonated with me but somehow I found some disconnect between them earlier.

Unveiling mystery of repeated Numbers in my Life

Submitted by rashmijsr on Tue, 2020-04-21 11:57
Angel Number

I hope you all are doing well in this lockdown and home quarantine period. I know it is difficult to be confined to a single place for so long without moving out but then it is all meant to be for our safety. Let’s spend this time learning something new or remove the veil from the unseen. The world that we see out there is much more than what can be perceived by your two eyes. The part which is seen is much smaller than the invisible where all the mysteries of the universe exists.

One Soul lived many Lifetimes, Who am I?

Submitted by rashmijsr on Sat, 2020-04-11 15:54
Past Life

Staying at home and having nothing specific to do I started searching for my own existence. I am a spiritual person. I do meditation and yoga to connect with the source of the creation. One day a thought came in my mind about who am I? And why I experience certain situations or meet certain people. I could not find my answers so I started researching it because I observed certain patterns in my life.

Feelings which are worth a thousand words

Submitted by rashmijsr on Mon, 2020-01-13 17:04

Hello, my lovely readers today I want to share with you all my feelings which actually happens when I am praying to God. For me, my God is the one who created me, changed my destiny and gave me much more than I can ever imagine. There are lots of things which are yet to be known by me but then he always rests assures me that my manifestations are on their way by means of feelings, intuition, and feathers. Feelings or emotions are something that is hard to express in words because it is difficult to write down exactly what you feel in words.

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