Hello, my lovely readers today I want to share with you all my feelings which actually happens when I am praying to God. For me, my God is the one who created me, changed my destiny and gave me much more than I can ever imagine. There are lots of things which are yet to be known by me but then he always rests assures me that my manifestations are on their way by means of feelings, intuition, and feathers. Feelings or emotions are something that is hard to express in words because it is difficult to write down exactly what you feel in words.
I was going through an article today which stated that human beings have a frequency of 20 to 20,000 Hz while God’s have a frequency of around 40 MHz. one Mhz is equal to 1 million Hz. Establish a good connection with your God and complete the loop so that you can connect with the very source of creation. Now every person is different and unique and hence their energies are different. Your body’s vibration attracts a certain frequency from the universe.
Your life is your possibility. You define everything and you choose your life. Your life is only a one time chance so you have the power to choose which way you want to live. A life with zero limitations is a life where there are no limits to any part of your life and only endless possibilities. Yes, when there are possibilities you have the power to create, but when you declare something as impossible you cut your cord to your own creation.
I think today’s topic is the most sought after topic. What do you do when you want to change your destiny. I have changed mine with the help of the divine and if you want to change your’s you can always take help from the higher powers. God will never deny you anything but then you should have the power to create a life that you want to live. When I was going through the worst phase of my life and could not contain my sorrows anymore and no advice could help me, there was only one person who could help me and that was none other than my God. So I reached out to her.
Numbers occupy a very significant space in our life be it our phone number, our house number or just our Pincode number. Sometimes you will just see certain specific numbers and try to make sense as to what it means in your life. For example, if you are someone like me who sees repeating number 888 all the time and keeps wondering as to why you keep seeing a particular number again and again then you need to find it out. Now when you see this number 8 horizontally it makes the symbol of infinity which means infinite abundance and infinite success in life.
I am writing about my own experience with life. There are many people who have helped me in various ways and have made me feel that you get what you search for. So today in choosing my topic I am thanking everyone who has helped me in a small or big way and made my life better by their presence, be it a short or a long one. Life is not a race and you don’t have to win over anyone except your own self. The universe is your good friend, just tell it what do you want? The universe is alive. It listens to you, catches your vibrations, thoughts, and frequencies and sends the same towards you.
Hello, My lovely readers. I appreciate my association with you. It is you all who complete my work. If I would have just written and you people did not take out time to read my write up then I would never have been motivated to write more. I just want you all to know that there is a message in every article I write. Even if I write a fiction or a love story, there is a hidden message in it for everyone. You decode the message and improve your life. I want to make your lives better by my writeup.
This is a topic that was revolving in my head for very long so I thought let’s proceed with this today. I was looking outside my glass window today when a thought came to my mind if there were no plants than who would have produced food for us. Though technology has advanced a lot and we have reached the moon and discovered various high-tech modes of communication and transportation but still, we are handicapped in many aspects. The work which is done by plants is unique. It has the capacity to produce grains.
In the continuation of the message to my previous articles, I want you people to be aware that a very big planetary shift is happening up in the sky so it is high time that you prepare yourself for it or fall prey to depression. There is a disbalance in the energy around the earth because people are losing touch with nature and are getting hooked to too much technology in their life so the universe has planned its way of balancing things out. Whenever there is disbalance on the earth God’s are born and they bring about a sudden shift in the energies so that balance can be maintained.
Hello, my lovely readers. Today is Ganesh Chaturthi. The Virgo New moon has started a new era, now it is the time to dig deep and find out the reason for your existence. Do not follow someone blindly but always keep your senses open so that the universe can communicate with you. I would say if you want to follow someone then it should be your instincts, your intuition which should be followed blindly.