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God & Spirituality

God is the biggest truth of life. she exists and is there with us all the time. It is we who has rise up to a certain level so that we can experience God.
Creator is Born

After questioning my existence for a very long time I have some of my answers but still, I am not satisfied with the results. Sometimes I feel too stuck and lost and it feels like my life is not moving forward. I don’t know where my life is heading because when you work on the invisible energies then you can’t see the results on paper. The memory which exists within my body is not programmed to handle the work which I do and that’s the only reason I feel directionless though at times the universe talks directly to me by means of messages.

The Cosmos is ready to open up - Are you serious?

Submitted by rashmijsr on Thu, 2022-04-21 17:09
My 2nd Marriage

There is so much happening in the entire world that you cannot just sleep over it. The universe is undergoing massive change and so are the planets in the solar system. I am facing problems of the disturbed sleep cycle and that is really affecting me. There is so much happening in my mind and outer environment near me that my brain thinks it's all hallucinatory. The thin line which existed between me and the outer world feels like getting removed. The messages are so fast and huge that I am losing my mind.

Happy Manifestation

It is very late I understand the concept of energy, frequency, and vibration. I am still learning. I don’t have any idea as to in which class I am but still there is a long way to go. After initiation, you need to work on your own body so that you activate those energy systems which will change your total being. The process of initiation is more like planting a seed into your system which can be either done by a Guru or the universe depending on the need and then the seed will be transformed into a tree and bear flowers and fruits.

A Path less traveled - Dare to walk into the Unseen

Submitted by rashmijsr on Sat, 2022-03-26 17:48
Tirupati Balaji

Life is much more mysterious than you know. I never understood the meaning of Starseed or the chosen ones until everything changed in my life. Better or worse I did choose it but never planned it. Every mystical experience which has started happening in my life after 2015 is something that gives me goosebumps. I pose the same question again and again. Am I a normal human being? Am I the same person which existed before 30th December 2015? Who am I? I can’t feel like a human being. The things which I dream for or plan are something that a normal human being would never plan or dare to plan.

Your Choices builds your Destiny - Choose Wisely

Submitted by rashmijsr on Tue, 2022-03-15 16:21

Your life is nothing but a combination of choices that you made. Be happy with your present self because it was you who chose that life. There are many things that will work and many which won’t. It is useless crying over how far you would have gone if you had a picture-perfect life and things went according to your plan. When I look back at my life I conclude that the unplanned part took away my mental peace and good health. The universe always has so much in store for me that I keep wondering what they are up to.

Happy Women's Day - Write a New Story in 2022

Submitted by rashmijsr on Wed, 2022-03-09 14:30

Happy Women’s Day. The word women were coined to represent females but they are much more than nurturers or service providers. They are the ones to keep the societies intact because they bond from the heart. It is good to see males appreciating females for all the good work they do but they can never understand how much a woman has to struggle when she wants to add extra feathers to her cap and want to take up a work that has not been taken by anyone till date. Society then starts judging them and demotivates them that you can’t do it because no one else did it till today.

The Universe is a play of energies - Agree with me?

Submitted by rashmijsr on Wed, 2022-03-02 17:08

I am someone who was not into yoga and meditation before I started facing too many health problems and started yoga in the year 2012. In the year 2015, I had two divine encounters and I started meditation in the year 2017. Though I don’t understand much of why I do what I do but still I keep doing it because a little voice inside of me says that I have a bigger purpose to serve and my meditation will help me in getting cosmic guidance and also connect with the invisible energies which will help me in the achievement of my purpose.

Journey of a soul in the universe - A New Beginning

Submitted by rashmijsr on Fri, 2022-01-21 17:33
My New Avatar

Life is a journey and not a destination. It is ok to take a break at times when you need to figure out your purpose. Do not bother who is ahead of you because it is your soul’s journey and it is your unique path and you don’t decide many events which you will encounter in your own path. I read a lovely quote written by Sadguru Ji where he says “Your life partner is your fellow traveler”. It means he/ she is there in your life just to give you company, travel with you, and be there for you so that you can help each other complete your soul purpose.

Cutie Pie

Life is a sweet dream and it becomes worth living when you live it with your Cutie Pie. I have seen a lot more life than I should have at the age of 42. I have to spend a large chunk of my life fighting with health problems and finding solutions without any guarantee of success. I have experimented with many things. My God always played a very big role in my life. He was a person who always stood by my side even when I could not see him. He was a good friend, my partner in crime, and listened to all my stories because I needed a person who never judged me.

Healing for a New Life - Trust your journey

Submitted by rashmijsr on Sun, 2022-01-16 18:06
Balaji God

You have heard the quote which says that the journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. This is 2022, a year where you can expect the unexpected. Everything which is owed to you will come to you. If you have worked for something and have waited long for the harvest then you will get results. If you have pained someone a lot then be prepared for the consequences because justice will be served. Even when you cannot see God he exists. The best part is when he is here with you even without you knowing it then how can you skip his sight.

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