There are times in your life when you feel that you are just living, eating, and wasting time while the whole world around you is earning and adding extra zeros to their bank account. And I very well know that all of us fall prey to this mentality when we have gone through our worst breakup and have taken a long career break. Actually, this human mind is programmed with too much stuff which is not needed, and that's the only reason these kinds of thoughts knock on your head very often.
Nowadays I think about everything which a normal human being would never think about. My dad thinks just because I have too much time to spend with myself I keep hallucinating. How do I tell them that the images in my head have started transforming into reality? My parents cannot read much of my energy and I think they are too engrossed in thinking that the person who is staying with them is still a kid. I sometimes feel like telling my parents I am a little grown-up now.
Life is a journey and not a destination. It is ok to take a break at times when you need to figure out your purpose. Do not bother who is ahead of you because it is your soul’s journey and it is your unique path and you don’t decide many events which you will encounter in your own path. I read a lovely quote written by Sadguru Ji where he says “Your life partner is your fellow traveler”. It means he/ she is there in your life just to give you company, travel with you, and be there for you so that you can help each other complete your soul purpose.
Sometimes life overwhelms me much more than usual and those are the times I ask the question things took much longer than usual. The message comes “Trust the process”. Even when you don’t know where your life is going, just persist, don’t quit, and trust the process because there are few things that take longer than usual to manifest. If you have a dream which cannot be conceptualized and conceived inside your head and you want to give birth to a baby which is too large to be accommodated in your womb then you have to keep patience.
I kept wondering for a very long time as to why my God chose me to achieve a task which he himself could have done in one go or could have chosen someone else for the purpose. Why Me? Why I am the chosen one for the task which is much bigger than my own imagination, a purpose for which he promised me his companionship for lifetime, a purpose which has to be achieved in this lifetime, a purpose which will change the face of the world and touch the life of every creature on this planet.
Hello, My lovely readers. I appreciate my association with you. It is you all who complete my work. If I would have just written and you people did not take out time to read my write up then I would never have been motivated to write more. I just want you all to know that there is a message in every article I write. Even if I write a fiction or a love story, there is a hidden message in it for everyone. You decode the message and improve your life. I want to make your lives better by my writeup.
All of us are born on this earth with a prewritten destiny. You are here to achieve your own purpose in life, the purpose for which you are born, a purpose which is much bigger than your own existence, a purpose which consumes your whole being, a purpose which runs down your veins, a purpose which is dissolved in your blood, a purpose which is divinely guided and he himself is manifesting within you and consuming your total being and transforming you into himself.
The very concept of life is very deep, the more you dig the better you understand it. When you look at life from the surface it is nothing but a passing time where you live your present and future. Every gem of life is hidden within you. You have the entire cosmos hidden within you but you cannot access that energy. You can get access to that energy when you have raised above the realms of normal human beings and attained a state of being where you have the power to converse with the supreme. It is in that state of mind that you will download the entire universe within your body.
Life is a great experience and the more you understand life the better it gets with time. With the ups and downs of daily life, you will see that you get so used to everything in life that even your pains do not hurt you anymore. You accept pain as a part of your life though from the bottom of your heart you are aware that you want to be happy but you cannot see a way out.
Today I am writing about a man who entered my life and changed it for a lifetime.