Every person has his part of the struggle. It all depends on which form. Your struggles can either make you or break you. There is nothing in between because life is an ongoing game. You either win or lose and there is nothing called half won or half lost. Never play it safe, you are either in it 100% or you back off calling everything bad luck. I too had my own misconceptions about life but a lot of them got broken after I took the holistic path of spirituality and learned from some of the known spiritual gurus about life.
It is my own experience that when you set your eyes on a goal, the journey to achieve that goal is much more enjoyable than the destination. The reason is the ups and downs which you encounter on your path makes you a better person and you learn various life’s lessons which were not possible if you had not taken the journey which you were meant to take. You set a goal then you plan your life accordingly, you make certain amendments to your daily routine work and do things which require your time and energy, you delegate the rest of the work to other people who can handle it for you.
How many of you are in the habit of leaving things in the middle before it is complete? I know there are many. If you are one of them who gets bored easily and have the habit of leaving things in the middle then you will never reach your destination. A journey or goal needs a start and end point. If there is only a start point and no endpoint even the journey won't lead anywhere. When you start work it is your duty to complete it.
The meaning of success is different to different people. A person can taste success after winning a school race while others feel success only after winning Olympics, so the very definition of success is different for everyone. A housewife feels successful after making the best recipe from a recipe book. Entrepreneurs feel successful after creating a big global enterprise, so success carries different meaning for different person. Success is directly attached to goals. The goals which you set for your career, family and your personal life. Once you achieve those you feel successful.