Did you ever ask yourself as to who is your limitation? Who tells you what you are capable or incapable of doing? Who guides you all the way so that you can be successful and keep going? My friends, it’s your mind which processes all the definite information and sets limitations not just for ourselves but for others too. I remember a very famous quotation here which says “Only those who risk going too far can probably find out how far one can go”. How far can you go? How far are you capable of going? How long is your journey? All the questions need to be answered by you.
I feel almost everyone delegates work which consumes their quality time and can be looked after by some one else. Business houses, employers, senior employees, children and house wives, all are really great at delegating work systematically. As an employer and CEO of VinayRas Infotech i had to delegate a lot of my work to be done by programmers or other data entry employees. I used to look after rest of the work which needed my skill and knowledge. It is always better to do the work which suits us and delegate the rest for which we can hire someone and pay an affordable price.
Its 21st century and the world is moving at the pace of light. Internet helps us in connecting to the whole world just at the click of the button. You can chat, send mails and update your knowledge by browsing all types of sites. Its cheap. If you think of calling everyone it will cost you a lot. But there should be limitations to everything. You must have heard the proverb “Anything in excess causes damage “. To a certain limit its really great. You can do video conferencing and learn new stuffs without moving places. But once things exceed limits problems start evolving.