This life is the gift of the divine to you. I hope you all will agree with the fact that you are born on this earth to achieve a very specific purpose in this lifetime. Your purpose may require lifelong work or work for a certain time period of time. It is true that your purpose requires your 100% attention and you cannot ignore it because all of us are here on this earth to achieve our purpose in life, we all are part of the big divine plan where everything exists for a reason.
A person who writes his own success story is not someone from an alien land but he is also made of the same stuff which everyone else is made up of but there is a difference in mentality and thinking. Do you think that a lean and thin person is weak while a fat person is brave? I would say “No” because your stature never determines your courage. It is your own mentality and inner toughness which decides the journey of your life. It is your strengths which determines how much risks you will take in life and which paths you will avoid.
When life knocks you down then only you understand the true meaning of life. Your fantasy world comes crashing down and you can see it breaking down to pieces in front of your own eyes. When you do not know what to do next because you cannot cope up with the day to day problems, people will bombard you with suggestions and will show you how wrong you are and how right they are? You will find very few people actually caring for you from their heart and wanting good things for you, rest will just show you superficial love and in their hearts, they are happy to see you suffering.
Life is never a cake walk. Life gives us hope and courage to live. We experience both happiness and sorrows while moving ahead in life. They are two sides of the same coin. There is no single person who has not faced any problems while climbing the ladder of success. There are both joyful and sad moments in life but that does not stops us from living life to the fullest and give a full stop to our ambition. Everyone who has made it to the top had some exceptional qualities of fighting back and not giving in to failures.