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Mantras - The most powerful combination of words for a focused outcome

Submitted by rashmijsr on Sat, 2021-12-18 17:24
Divine Marriage

Mantras are a very powerful combination of words that has the power to create desired results when chanted with pure and focused intentions. I am writing this from my own experience since I did Mantra Meditation in the year 2017 for 3 months. The entire universe is composed of sounds that have vibrations and resonate at a certain frequency. A normal human being cannot hear sounds that can be heard in a trance state or a state where you are sleepy but your mind is fully awake. In that state of mind, your mind can connect directly with God and the sounds which make the entire universe. Ancient sages listened to those sacred sounds and wrote them for the enlightenment of humanity since mantras have the power to change your entire being and make you available for divine grace. If you are someone who is very dedicated and has a pure heart then whatever you will do will gain fast results. There are many rules which you need to follow when you are bonding with a certain god and her energy for the chanting of a particular mantra. I have done Mantra Meditation on “Swayamvara Parvathi Mantra”.It is a very powerful mantra. First, you have to sit with your God and commit that under any conditions you will complete a certain set of mantras in a stipulated time frame. You can also pray for some concessions because people like you and me are not used to doing something like this.

Once the commitment is made you start chanting mantras 108 or 1008 times depending on the Mantra you choose. You can chant the mantra for 30, 60, or 90 days and then do Havan after you have completed chanting or you can do additional chanting to skip the Homa process. You have all the options open. You pray to the God or Goddess for the fulfillment of a wish and then start with the chanting. You will feel something will start shifting within you after 10 - 15 days of mantra chanting. Sometimes people get very fast results but there are times when the Gods take longer than usual time to give you what you have asked for or give you something which they desire because they fell in love with you. Divine love is very different from normal love and it is something that can be felt and not written or expressed in words. Swayamvara Parvathi mantra is a marriage mantra and I chanted it for coming out of depression. You will experience various trance states when you will feel that you are sitting with the divine itself and she is guiding you what to do next and also telling you the next phase of your life which you are totally unaware of. You can feel it and see it in front of your eyes and if you are someone who has done mantra meditation with lots of devotion then you know what I am talking about because the relationship between a God and devotee is absolutely different. It sometimes so happens that God merges with his devotee for the fulfillment of a purpose and even guides him to his destination and it is true.

I have written in detail about my divine encounters when I was doing mantra meditation in my previous articles. Once you are done with the chanting and start leading a regular life you will start seeing the results. The first change will be in your personality which will get very attractive since divine touch adds beauty to your soul which is visible from a distance. Your vibrations will change and those changed frequencies will manifest what you have asked and prayed for. The sound which you utter while chanting mantras circulate in the universe and reaches every corner of the cosmos where it comes in contact with various divine beings which are in energy form. When your heart and intentions are pure they bless you and your chanted sound takes a form that is much more powerful than what you thought. Everything will manifest on divine time because god’s work on your manifestation checking all the details which you have scripted so you need to have patience.

The universe adds its divine touch to your hard work and even when you can’t see any signs of your manifestation it is actually working on everything in the background and have started working towards your desires. They will start making changes in your personality to make you available for what you have asked for and if you have asked for something which is very different from what you have possessed in the past then it will guide you in the direction of your dreams so that your vibration matches your manifestation. The invisible realm is full of energy vortex which will open up for you once you connect with it and the best part is when your heart is pure that energy field never closes for you. God loves people who are not greedy and want to own something to change the coming future not only for themselves but for everyone. They can read your code and if there are a few corrections that need to be made then they will guide you and even do it for you because they can feel your light. Mantras have the power to attract a deity for whom you are chanting the mantra and they make themselves available to you for helping you to achieve your purpose.

Everyone can’t do that but there are many Aghoris and Sadhus who have done that and hence possess various superpowers because God’s are energies with many powers. You may or may not get the superpower but the best part is God will not let you go empty-handed and they will give you something in return for the hard work you have put in during the meditation process. There are many Sadhus who worship Shakti for getting power and control but Goddess just dismisses their prayers when they have the wrong intention. Even if you invoke a certain deity and get the boon then also you can lose your power if you use them for the wrong reasons. The energy can backfire and harm you. It is a double-edged sword so you should know that with God-like powers you can only use it for welfare and nothing else. Mantras have the power to activate all the energies which are associated with that particular God and they will show you their presence felt by means of divine light which will come and go in certain intervals of time. When you look at yourself in the mirror and can feel a vibration that you never felt before it means the dormant energy is activating and making you available for grace.

Always remember when you are dealing with God or Mantras that they are very powerful beings with high vibrations and cannot be mishandled. If you think you can you should go and do mantra meditation with a pure heart. Set your intentions, and focus on something which has not been experienced by any human being till today, and then get to work. God’s are very giving people and they will give you everything you ask for but you need to check your pride and ego. Mantras are a particular set of words with a mathematical number that invokes very sacred energies and there are various mantras for different deities. You can know the power only when you have worked on it or else it is just a fantasy for you. Reading an experience and feeling it when you are doing it on your own is completely different. You may manifest something which has never been manifested by any human being before or get absolutely different outcome. It all depends on your own ability to create desired results. Just because no one could do what you intend to do in the previous timelines does not mean it is also applicable to you. You feel you are unique and separate yourself from that herd mentality and then try out something new. I am sure you will get great results.

You have God-like powers and spirituality is not just a concept written on paper but a real-life experience. No one can deny what spirituality can do for you. Your pure intentions and pure love can transform you into a complete divine being which can make those things happen which are not possible for a normal being.

What you ask for others gets attracted automatically to you because we are all connected by an invisible thread. Learn to clap for everyone so that the divine realm claps for you and I bet you will hear their clapping sound. Be Happy.

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